Friday 1 July 2011

People to sorround yourself with

Be wary of who you sorround yourself with. If you want to be known as a stoner then hang out with the stoners, if you want to be known as a skater hang out with the skaters. You have to remember that people are judgemental and in their eyes you look similar to the people you affiliate yourself with. This is not saying don't hang out with them but base more of your time around the people you want to be seen associating with.

Thursday 30 June 2011

The most important Tip

The most important advice I can give you is that you need to be confident in yourself. If you feel you can do something you can. You just need to always remember that. Say there is a girl or guy you like if you aren't confident in yourself how do you expect them to be? If you are confident and feel you have a chance then you do. If you go into a job interview and aren't confident you probably won't get the job. Always believe in yourself and you will be able to achieve anything.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Quote for the week

Once a week we will be posting a new quote that we have heard, that we feel you will like.

“Though someone may be different from you they are still a human being and should be treated with respect. Be they white, black, native, gay, straight, bi who really cares they should still be treated the way you would like to be treated.” – Unknown Source

Video for the week

This song moved me the other day when I heard it. I have many friends that didn’t fit in during school and it upsets me at how some people are so unaccepting so in honor of gay pride week here is a video about the acceptance of people who are different then you


Howdy and welcome to Advice for Life with Kadin and Zack,

In this blog we will be giving tips and advice on many different topics varying from relationships and sex to getting a job. Here at Advice for Life we want to see people succeed, so that is what we are going to work towards. In the near future we will have this blog up and running at 100% so please be patient with us. If you are having trouble and need some help give us a shout perhaps we can help you get a grasp on the situation and overcome the obstacle in the way of your progress.