Monday 4 July 2011

A facebook rant for gay pride month

"It's National Gay Pride Month...
Put this as your status if you know or love someone who is gay. A wish that people will soon realize that being gay isn't a choice nor a disease!!! People who are gay aren't looking for a cure, but rather for ACCEPTANCE. Many won't copy this...... will you?"  -KW

"Most won't copy because it doesn't mean anything. Trying to spread awareness amongst everyone already aware does nothing. How about expressing your dislike of gay-bashers next time you hear someone gay-bashing?
Besides, intolerance is out th...e door anyways.
Religion is dying out, and built right into the bible are verses that allow people to justify all kinds of prejudice for no reason other then "God doesn't like that"
Silly humans, pretending to know the intentions of "God"."-ZW
It didnt post right and to clarify the people are not related

Sunday 3 July 2011

Tip for life

Don't look back at the problems that have happened for it will just pull you back and stop you from going forward in life. Life may have some speed bumps but where would the fun be if it was a smooth ride. So the point of this tip is to say always look to the future and nothing will stop you.